August: Read, Reading and To be Read

I'm only one month into university and I have already read SO MUCH LESS. It's not my fault okay. It's because every unit I'm doing makes me read like 50 pages each and it kills me. It's not even like novels (which you think you'd get when doing creative writing) but it's like reading on what diegesis and the power of language. Tell you what, if anything, I feel right smart! I do know yes, this is September. I'm struggling ok. Please tolerate me haha. I'm going to do two read's and one reading and just skip the 'to be read.' Read This month I finished reading The Night Circus by Erin Morgernstern. I didn't actually know this, but this book came out of Nanowrimo (National Writing month for November. You should look it up it's very good for aspiring writers). I just think it's really cool that this novel came out of a writing competition basically anyone can enter. The book is about Celia who is a magician. She operat...