August: Read, Reading and To be Read

I'm only one month into university and I have already read SO MUCH LESS. It's not my fault okay. It's because every unit I'm doing makes me read like 50 pages each and it kills me. It's not even like novels (which you think you'd get when doing creative writing) but it's like reading on what diegesis and the power of language. Tell you what, if anything, I feel right smart! I do know yes, this is September. I'm struggling ok. Please tolerate me haha. I'm going to do two read's and one reading and just skip the 'to be read.'

This month I finished reading The Night Circus by Erin Morgernstern. I didn't actually know this, but this book came out of Nanowrimo (National Writing month for November. You should look it up it's very good for aspiring writers). I just think it's really cool that this novel came out of a writing competition basically anyone can enter. The book is about Celia who is a magician. She operates under the Night Circus where she faces an opponent who remains unbeknownst to her. As she progresses and she finds out who he is however, they both end up falling in love and they realise they are in deeper shit than they thought. My favourite thing about this book was the setting, which was the circus. I think without the circus the book would have been really vague and it would have just been a very cliched fantasy novel. The circus ties in all the already really good elements that the book has. I did like this book but I found it really really hard to get into in the beginning. It took me the longest time to finish this book because I just found the beginning rather lack luster and dull. Once I did get into it though, I couldn't stop reading it and was hooked!

No one should even be surprised that I read this book. I would have been a disappointment to humanity if I didn't. When it came out I made my dear friend go to the shop and get it for me (much love Jade) because I couldn't risk not having it. I read Harry Potter and The Cursed Child; Parts I and II by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany. This play is about Harry and Ginny's middle child, Albus. It basically navigates his time at Hogwarts. As usual there's a new problem ahead that's threatening the Wizarding World and this time it's up to Albus and his new friend (ain't no spoilers up in this blog post) to solve. I did not have the problems with this play that most people had. Sorry but this was perfect to me. I was so excited the whole time reading it. I think people forget that it's a play not an eighth book. It's the first bit of book reading you can buy in a store that she's brought out so of course there was going to be like years of hype built up around it. This is like nine years of hype surrounding it so not everyone's going to be happy so it's like whatever. That being said, she insinuated that one of my FAVE SHIPS ACTUALLY HAPPENS. So I am happy as Larry. I hope they get together or I'll die. I will. I'll die. This being said, this play is so different from all the next-gen fanfiction I've read (my nerd is coming out). So I hope that this can stay in it's little cannon place and the next-gen fanfiction can continue as everyone imagines it.

I am currently reading My True Love Gave to Me edited by Stephanie Perkins. This is on my 2016's ULTIMATE TBR so tick! I read Summer Days & Summer Nights, last month and it was SO good. And so far this has not disappointed. These are 12 Winter Short Stories (romance) all to do with the Winter, Christmas time of year. (This sucks because Christmas down under is usually blazing hot). Most of it is contemporary but there's the odd couple that are fantasy which are pretty sick. I suggest everyone go and get this book as well as Summer Days & Summer Nights. It's worth all the money you will spend!
(I thought I'd leave the shine on there so you can all see what A PRETTY COVER THIS IS!!) 

Hope you've enjoyed hearing about my sad, pathetic reading month. (This is literally all I've read I'm so annoyed) Enjoy your September. Summer is coming and I am SO HAPPY.
Much Love


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