The Bachelor Season 21 // Finale Recap

Oh my Goodness. Talk about an emotional roller coaster of a Finale. Let me begin by saying that this has been so different from any other season of 'The Bachelor'. I never knew what the hell Nick was going to do. I am so surprised that Raven is in his final two! Satisfied, but surprised. I'd like to go on record and say that I predicted the winner to be Vanessa, in Episode 1. At this stage she has to win, if anything for the sake of my damn pride. I just think that they'd be the best couple. I feel as if Nick needs someone like Vanessa to challenge him and piss him off. She asks him about everything like where they will move and how it's going to work and I think she's only being practical. Whereas Raven doesn't question that. I do sense the chemistry between him and Raven but I don't think they have as much as him and Vanessa. If I'm being completely honest he could end up with anyone as long as it's not Corinne. It's not th...