SiliSponge // Review & Discussion

I am so late to the party I know. But I thought I should bite the bullet and order a silisponge. I ordered mine from Korah Beauty. They had them going for 40% off and had free shipping down under (Aus). So I was like BARGAIN and bought one. I'm a shopaholic. I'm aware. This is not the original silisponge. The original is from Molly Cosmetics but that's from the US and it would've cost me more. And I didn't want to spend more money...that I already don't have (oops). Shipping was fairly quick I got it within a week and it came in this pink little bag. Which is like a snap lock bag. So whenever I have't been using it I just leave it in the bag. The sponge itself does actually look like a breast implant. Everyone said it did and I didn't believe them but now that I'm holding it, it does feel like a breast implant. It is so squishy! I keep squeezing mine trying to make it explode because I'm such a child. It's like a co...