Most Anticipated YA Releases of 2018

Ya girl is stoked to have so many cool new book releases in 2018! I literally went through every single book (all 800+ of them) on the goodreads site to pick out which ones were my fave. Whether I can read them all IN 2018 is another question but I'm sure we'll get there eventually. And She Was by Jessica Verdi (Expected in March) When Dara, who's been with her single mum her whole life, finally sees her birth certificate, she has absolutely no idea who the two people on there are. It turns out that her birth mother passed away when she was younger and her mother is actually her father. Her mother is transgender and she was once her father. I just think this will be such an interesting story about family relationships and hopefully will do a great job of representing the trans community. Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare (Expected in Dec) This might be my most anticipated release of 2018. I literally cannot wait to read this whole series (I've been h...