July: Read, Reading and To Be Read

WJuly is my last month to do some solid reading because university starts in August (which I suppose I should be excited for but I quite like doing what I want) and I've got to sort out other adult things in my life. Don't grow up it's shit. So I've been trying to power read through some books before I get busy. Also I've gotten like a lot of books because my friends got me a heap for my birthday in June. And then I've bought some too...whoops. I have to admit though, I'm not too

I read The Magicians by Lev Grossman this month. If I'm being honest, I wish I liked this more than I did. People have said it's like an adult Harry Potter, which is true to an extent. There's definitely an R rated dynamic to it but I just found myself disappointed with the book once it finished. This is about Quentin Coldwater who is about to graduate high school and is obsessed with the Fillory series of books (which resembles Narnia very much). He feels empty, like there's meant to be more to his life, which is when he finds out he is actually a magician and can do magic from Brakebills university. The main problem I had with this book was that the book is his whole life at Brakebills and yet other than him getting into Brakebills I was waiting for something to happen. I was just sat there waiting for something to happen like what, WHAT?! It was only towards the middle of the book where things actually started happening.  I mean there was a little 'hoohah' in the first third of the book and then the action died down and I was just waiting for something else to happen. If I'm honest I preferred the TV series.

I'm currently reading Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher. This is about Sophie May. Her whole life has been situated in this little town in England. It's all she's ever known in her life and that's all suddenly broken apart when she meets and falls in love with move star Billy Buskin and her whole life is spun out of control. I'm halfway through this book and the one thing I was really searching for was a longer falling in love story between the two of them. They fell in love really quickly and then it started focusing on her in the midst of his life. Other than that I am loving it so far! I literally can't put it down it's pretty addictive. It's the lightweight fun mood it gives of. And the amount of times already I've laughed out loud reading this is huge! Love.

To Be Read 
I'm slightly cheating with my to be read because I've already started reading it but I put it down for some reason (probably to read The Magicians). But the book I plan on reading is Summer Days and Summer Nights edited by Stephanie Perkins. If you don't already know what this is, it's 12 short summer stories written by a number of authors. This is actually part of a duo-logy type thing because Stephanie Perkins also edited a winter one called My True Love Gave to Me which is 12 winter short stories edited by Stephanie Perkins. I was so upset that I didn't get the limited edition cover for My True Love Gave to Me when that was out so when I saw the same cover for Summer Days and Summer Nights I bought the book because I have no self control. It's so pretty I'm treating it like my little baby. I'm loving it so far! I love that it's a mixture of both contemporary and fantasy. It's got something for everyone!

Hopefully I actually manage to finish reading something before university starts I don't know. Wish me luck. Sorting out my adult life is just as depressing and shitty as I thought it was going to be. Also Pokemon Go is the best thing EVER created. EVER. Also I got Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Parts 1&2 and I am so excited I'm actually out of breath of excitement just thinking about it. 

Much Love
- E


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