Avocado Toast is the New Australian Dream (And That's Fine With Me)

I next to never eat out or pay for takeaway coffee or avocado toast so could someone please explain to me why at the same age Tim Gurner bought a house, I CAN'T AFFORD ONEASDFGHJK?!

Australian millionaire Tim Gurner has some advice, "When I was trying to buy my first home, I wasn't buying smashed avocado for $19 and four coffees at $4 each..." He goes on to say that millenials "...want to eat out every day, they want to travel to Europe every year. The people that own homes today worked very, very hard for it, saved every dollar, did everything they could to get up the property investment ladder." I'll be the first to say that it was probably really tough for Tim Gurner to buy his first investment property at nineteen. And anyone who does that is like pretty ballsy and brave. Like kudos to him and I am not trying to take away his achievements!

I'm aware that my parents' dream as soon as they started working was to buy a house (a dream they do try to impose on me). And maybe that was Gurner's dream too. You may think I don't have enough life experience to make a comment on this. Well guess what I had to watch the government lower the threshold to pay back HECS and raise University fees. So I'm upset, angry and would rather everyone stop telling me to buy a house.

That being said, my dream is not his dream. I don't want to buy a house. I have absolutely no desire right now to buy a house. I probably will one day when I have a family but even then I'll be paying off my HECS fees so haha help. And obviously the economics of the world in general have changed since Gurner bought a house but that's not what I'm going to talk about (because I have no economic knowledge whatsoever). The Australian dream is not the same Australian dream that existed fifty, thirty or even ten years ago. It's constantly changing.

This idea of 'The Australian Dream' constitutes an assumption that people, for the most part, have the same dream. As if this one dream, joins us all together. Which is not true. Some millennials may want to buy a house now, some may not. Some millennials may want to travel the world and some may want to get a full time job and rent a house. And maybe that's what the new Australian dream is: we all have different dreams (Shock horror).

I think there is this assumption that we all want the same things. And by extension we all come from the same background. In reality, we all come from different backgrounds and not everyone can afford to or want to, buy a house at nineteen.

I don't want to buy a house right now. If I'm not at university, I'm at work. If I'm not at work, I'm studying and this is not even counting the time I spend with friends or family. Like come on? I cannot be buying a house right now. Or even an apartment? I don't have time to cook my own meals, etc. But hey guess what, the best part is, my situation, isn't YOUR situation. Maybe you can cook your own meals and run a household. 

Also Tim Gurner isn't providing any new information here. Like yes, eating out is expensive aren't people already aware of this? Like I'm always trying to make my own lunch when I go to university during the day so I don't have to spend money. 

My point is: you're free to make your own decisions. If you're old enough to be told you can afford your own house, your old enough to make your own decisions. And guess what, You. Can. Do. What. You. Want. If you want to buy a house, buy a house. If you want to go to Japan, go to Japan. If you want to get some avocado toast, go and get your avocado toast. And you enjoy your avocado toast. As a millennial, I didn't take offence to Tim Gurner's comments but I just felt they were a bit offhanded and could have been put better. Was he talking directly to people who wanted to buy a house? I don't know.  

But Mr. Gurner, thank you for the financial advice
But I rather buy avocado toast.

And if you rather waste your money on pointless things rather than buy a house (i.e. like me), than you should grab these avocado earrings from Leah Louise Designs. And she also has other cool things you can grab! 
Much Love
- E


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