Really Great Nail Polish

I do not wear a lot of nail polish because I am the laziest person in the whole world. My experience with most nail polishes is that they don't stay on my nails and after two days or so, they all scratch off so I essentially find it pointless. However, I got this as a gift for Christmas and this is different from any nail polish I've ever owned. First of all it's a light colour which is not usual for me. I rather wear a dark colour because I feel as if light colours don't compliment my skin tone. But I was unusually suprised by how nice this colour looks on my skin.

This light purple nail polish is absolutely stunning. I would advise with any nail polish that you paint it on in the night and when you wake up, it has dried fresh and hard. This nail polish dries in very gel like and hard. I've found that you do have to put a generous amount on as it is a light colour but that just ensures that it stays on nice and doesn't peel off. It has been 4 days since I have painted this on and it has barely peeled off. I didn't even put on a clear overcoat.

In the span of 4 days I have:
- gone swimming in a chlorine pool
- hand washed clothing
- cooked some rockin two minute noodles
- painted some roses
and other activities that are usually detrimental to your nail polish. This has a nice gel finish on your nails which I really like (not a fan of the matte look) The brand is called Elianto which is a Malaysian company and this is the sad part; they don't do any overseas ships so you can only buy this brand in Malaysia. So if you are in Malaysia (which if you are a big shopper I suggest you go), you should most definitely pick some up because they're only about RM 10 which may seem expensive but it isn't after conversion.

It comes in a range of different colours from pastel to something a little bit more out there so there is really something for everyone. Hope you all really enjoy this nail polish and if you find this somewhere. If you find it out of Malaysia please comment!

Much Love


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