Disposable Camera

I'm going to sound so basic but quite frankly I love disposable cameras. I love that you have no idea what you're going to get and that with every snap you're basically winging it (and that's what my life is about anyways). I bought one in the middle of summer. I have this thing in summer where i spend money on unnecessary things. It's terrible. But this was one of the better buys that was totally worth it! I have to admit thought it was quite pricey. Some of the better disposable cameras cost around $20 and its I think $30 to get the film developed. So I will admit it's a bit of a pricey habit. I bought the Fuji Quicksnap Outdoor Disposable Camera 800SP Nic Feature. This was an outdoor camera so it only did well outdoors and it was at it's best in direct sunlight. Sometimes in the shade the photos didn't come out that well. Don't bother trying to take a photo inside with the light on, it doesn't work. Dark photos don't develop at all but for this particular camera as long as you were outside the shots turned out really well (mind you this was in the middle of Summer). There are other's that you can buy that are a bit more expensive but come with features such as flash and such. I thought I'd share some of the pictures I took because they actually turned out really good.

I hope this inspired you all to go take candid pictures of stupid things. I love stupid pictures. It's great to look back on them and laugh. Hope you liked this! 
Much Love 
- E 


  1. Omg! I miss disposable cameras so much! They were so much easier than digital ones. Now I spend so much time analysing pictures and which ones I like enough to post online haha x


    1. I love the surprise of seeing what comes out! It's like weeeyy what am I gonna get?! xx


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