Marchesa New York Spring/Summer Ready to Wear 2017 // NYFW

My excuse as to why this post is a month after Fashion Week: I went away for a week and then I came back and I was swarmed with like a million assignments and was like ah. But I'm back now yay! 

ANYWAYS, back to fashion. I love Marchesa. Georgina Chapman and Keren Craig are geniuses and everything they create is just magical. I got a very ethereal vibe from this collection. I found myself feeling like I was in a dream but it also felt slightly grunge. 

The story I (as in, my opinion which is subject to be wrong so don't take my word for it, haha), got from this collection was the main character from a book going into an adventure and turning bad even though they still had some little bouts of good in them. You can see this through the progression of looks going through. It goes from being very light, airy and flowy to something very 'fairy-princess gone bad', with the darker fabrics.

The whole collection is very flowy. The fabrics all flow and dance when the models walk. I can imagine that watching the show would have felt like being high on a drug because everything flows so well. (How many times can I use the word flow?)

However, as we near the end of the collection, you can definitely see more of the lighter fabric colours coming back, the champagne, hues of light pinks and some soft blues mixed in with darker fabrics, creates a great juxtaposition (English major over here). On specific pieces, these light fabrics are also combined with harsher metallics, which is what gives me the 'bad heroine but still good heroine' idea.

The use of tulle is definitely my favourite. I think that it gives a rather weightless, airy, princess effect. It reminds me of floating on air.

Definitely got a symmetrical feel going on in this collection. But then a little number like this one pops up all out of the blue and BAM. I really love this shine on tulle too.

And also there are flowers everywhere and I love it. Flowers just make the world go round. I like that they've utilised flowers in both a feminine, girly sense but at the same time it's also rather bad ass. The red flowers on black is great 

I really love this collection. Maybe it's my inner child, but I'm drawn to collections that are over the top and have long gowns and are couture. And Georgina and Karen do a great job of making me feel that I am living in Beauty and The Beast

With Love
- E

All images have been retrieved from


  1. They look astoundingly beautiful. These fine, detailed dresses are always my fave part from fashion weeks.

    1. I know! They look straight out of a fairytale!


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