The Mason Margiela Spring 2017 Couture

This is going to be the shortest blog post ever because I just want to check in and rant about how I loved this recent collection. 

The Mason Margiela Couture show was so extravagant that I had friends who weren't even interested in fashion text me about some of these outfits. Talk about a picturistic fashion show! I didn't want to stop looking at the clothes because they were just so spectacular.

I feel as if this collection was a merge of the millennial world with the 1960-70's. The silhouette of many of the pieces are very old school and then they've been slapped in the face with typical 21st century motifs, such as emoji faces. I love that this collection mostly uses primary colours and black and white. The limited use of colour in contrast with the textures of the designs made the collection stand out. 

Somehow Mr. Margiela managed to make this collection look both structured and flowy at the same time. Which I think is my business woman dream. If I ever wanted to look both elegant and yet bossy at a function, I would wear this collection. 

All pictures were retrieved from Vogue 

Hope you guys are having a great week so far! 
Much Love
- E 


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