Mecca and Sephora Haul!

Calling all shopaholics! You have come to the right place. My friends and family like to say that shopping is an addiction. I like to say that it's a lifestyle. I was recently on holiday in Melbourne and made trips to both Mecca and Sephora. And whilst I didn't buy much, I did make a small dent in my bank accounts.

Too Faced 'Better than Sex Mascara'
As an asian, my eyelashes point forward rather than curl up. And no mascara or eyelash curler can fix that. It's my fatal flaw. But I've heard so much about this mascara that I thought, I might as well take the plunge and buy one to test it out. The wand for this mascara is so irregular as well I can't help looking at it all the time. 

Winky Lux Flower Balm
Yo this thing actually works. I was like "this is so stupid, its a clear lip balm with a flower inside" and then I used it and I was like well DAMN. So I will eat my words. This is one of those balms that react with the pH in your lips to give you the perfect pink to suit your skin tone. And it does actually work! It gives my lips a nice subtle look. I tend to wear it when I go to work just so it looks vaguely like I tried.

Soap and Glory Anti-Bacterial 
I don't even need this okay. It was at the counter on the way to the check out, (you know those little tid-bits they put at the front to tempt you? I was tempted) and I bought it. It smells so fresh though so it was totally worth the $4

Origins Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Mask
Another product I bought because of other blogs. Ooops. I bought this almost because it's just such a cool girl thing to have you know? All the cool girls have a charcoal mask. And also my brother has been begging me to get him a charcoal mask. So I figure if I get one that he uses and I could use, we'd both win! (This is how I've started justifying my shopping addiction). This isn't a peel-off mask. You lather this one, wait for about fifteen to twenty minutes and then wash it off with warm water and a damp sponge. 

Zoeva 'Cocoa Blend' Eyeshadow Palette 
This was my splurge item in terms of make up. I really wanted to treat myself to a nice eye shadow palette. And I wanted one that would actually go with my skin tone because being #darkskin it's always hard to find eye shadow palette's that suit me. But I liked all of the colours in this palette so my lovely friend Abigail bought it for me as a birthday present! (Thank you abbie you are a babe!) I have already used it and the colours are super pigmented. I find that to get the shadows on my lid, I prefer to just use my fingers as the pigment transfer is much better that way. But I use a brush to blend a colour in my crease. Love love LOVE this palette!

Hope your week is super great and filled with lots of shopping sales! :*
Much Love
- E 


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