The Bachelor Season 22 Episode 1 // Recap

Well well.
It's time again. The Bachelor is back and this girl is ready! I've been watching The Bachelor for like two years now and I was a bit disappointed last year with Nick's season. So I hope this season is full of girls who brought their A-game and their even crazier tactics.

Admittedly I am disappointed that the bachelor is not Peter from Rachel's season of the Bachelorette. I fell in love with Peter and watching him and Rachel break up, literally broke my heart. So I wanted him to find love and be happy because you could tell that he really cared for Rachel. But if they can bring Arie back five years later than I have hope. And regardless of who the bachelor is, I hope they find love...and also Arie is pretty dreamy like damn WOWZA.

I have such high hopes for the women this season. They look psychopathic with all due respect. From the first episode itself they all look like they're willing to jump over hell or high water for Arie.

Here's my rundown on the litter this year:

Caroline: down-to-earth. Reminds me a bit of Jojo. She's a realtor, he's a realtor. And she made a cheesy joke that made me cringe. I don't think she'll win but hey I'm sure we'll love her enough to see her on Bachelor in Paradise.

Chelsea: Her edit made her seem really really rude. Reminds me of Olivia (see Bachelor Season 20)

Kendall: She sung a song...about a seal. Cray cray. Love her.

Tia: She's like the typical country girl that's there every season. She seems like a sweetheart but at the same time she's a little sassy and I love it.

Bekah M: I think she might be my favourite thus far. She's sassy, has great taste in cars and rocks a pixie cut. And I like that she wasn't falling over a rosebush for Arie.

The woman who gave him a rock: I don't know her name but girl you know you just gave the guy a rock?

Maquel: ENTRANCE WAS SO BOMB WOW. I mean girl you did not come to be forgettable. And that dress was so gorg.

Becca K: I like her. She reminds me a lot of the girl next door. Ultimately I think she and Arie will get along well and she'll probably go far.

Krystal: The girl has crazy eyes. Like wide-eyed crazy. And from the trailer at the end you can totally tell that she's going to get up to some trouble. And I know he finds her voice soothing but it is already irritating me.

All 4 Laurens: Bloody Hell. Like really. Couldn't the casting directors find anyone else? And it essentially means that Lauren B cannot win. Because we've already had a Lauren B end up with the guy (again, see Ben Higgins)

Annaliese: She's quirky and I love it.

Jenna: She's creepy. Like why are you massaging his feet for?

Oh my oh my the trailer at the end really messed me up wow. Firstly damn, everyone is crying. Like poor Arie is going to have to deal with all these emotional women. But who the hell is the guy that shows up for his girl? I hope Arie punches him because it'll be such good TV. But unfortunately I think Arie is better than that.

My prediction for the winner: Either Becca K or Bekah M. I love them both. I really love Bekah M. Even though she's so young and whatnot I like that she's real. She wasn't fawning over Arie like a lot of the girls were. I thought she did a really great job of finding out for herself first whether she liked him first. You go Bekah M! But unfortunately I think he goes for Becca K because she's older and essentially predictable. We will see you in paradise Bekah M!

That's all from me on this year's Bachelor.
With much love
- E


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