Malaysian Clothes Haul
Now who does not love clothes? In Malaysia, this has been my chance to buy a lot and I mean A LOT of clothes. I spent my time at high street shops such as H&M and Forever 21 because they DON'T HAVE THEM WHERE I LIVE. So I need to make the most of it. Just a little side note, all of the prices are all in ringgit which is the Malaysia currency. I'm going to share with you some of the things that I have bought and also how I would wear them in my daily life. Hope you enjoy! Item Bought: I went to Forever 21, saw this tank, caved and bought it. If you haven't worked it out yet it is a Star Wars tank, featuring R2-D2 and the back has the Star Wars logo. Store: Forever 21 Price: RM40 Paired with: rolled up black jeans and maroon pair of flats. The flats for me add a little feminine touch. Item Bought: My mum was so angry at me for going all the way to Malaysia and then shopping at Cotton On HAHA. I mean I went for a little browse and saw this ...